23.02.2020|DMG MORI electromobility

CO2 – Neutrality: Locomotion

We also pursue our goal to climate neutrality in year 2020 when it comes to locomotion.

 CO2 – Neutrality: Locomotion
We use 100% green energy, because electromobility is only as clean as the electricity that drives it!

For that purpose we offer our colleaques to charge their electric car on the job. At our plant in Pfronten we equipped the newly built car park with 24 double charging stations for a total of 48 electric cars. At diverse locations within europe, among them our headquarter in Bielefeld, charging stations are set ready to use.

Since electromobility is only as clean as the electricity that drives it, we use green electricity and thus make electromobility a real alternative from an ecological perspective.

Of course the charging stations are also available for visitors and customers.