
Medical Excellence: Grand Opening in Wernau

On April 6 and 7, 2022, DMG MORI opened the doors of the fourth Medical Excellence Center in Wernau. The visitors were able to enjoy a varied program on both days: In addition to exciting presentations and an active exchange of ideas, guests had the opportunity to see for themselves the latest trends and innovations in medical technology in the showroom and to be present live during the machining of implants and bone screws.

The new DMG MORI Medical Excellence Center at the Wernau site is the fourth location where the many years of experience and industry-specific expertise come together.

In addition to Seebach, Chicago and Shanghai, Wernau is now the second German Medical Excellence Center that can also operate beyond its borders and, above all, promises customer proximity where it is needed: Medical technology is in high demand in the area around Wernau, especially around Tuttlingen and in Switzerland. This is also reflected in the number of visitors. On the first day, we welcomed guests from 15 (on the following day there were 11) different companies, some of whom had traveled especially from Switzerland, Italy, Croatia and Austria to celebrate the Grand Opening with us.

However, the choice of location also had other reasons: "In addition, Wernau serves as a link to our Japanese plants and products. The NTX 10002nd generation, for example, has proven itself for many years as a highly productive turn-mill center in the production of implants and surgical instruments. The smaller sister model, our new NTX 500, is becoming at least as successful in medical technology because its compact dimensions harmonize perfectly with the often tight production areas," says Ralf Riedemann, Executive Officer in the Application Technology division.

Two special highlights of the opening were our fully automated machines for 6-sided complete machining: Our new NTX 500, which ensures turn & mill 6-sided complete machining of smaller workpieces . In the showroom, the NTX was seen in action together with our integrated robotic automation, IMTR, while producing a bone plate. In addition, the DMP 35 worked with our WH 3 Cell automation solution, with a minimum space requirement of only 4.3m2 , live on implants.

Market with potential & regulations

Many factors mean that medical technology is in greater demand than ever before. It has become an industry that has been on an upward trend for years and continues to show enormous growth potential.

As attractive as it may be to enter this sector, medical technology in particular has certain requirements that are often higher than in other industries. Marcus Krüger, responsible for the Key Account Medical, has already worked with companies that come from areas such as the aerospace sector or automotive engineering and see great potential in medical technology: "Of course, extensive know-how in machining is available there, but medical technology has its own, sometimes much higher requirements for manufacturing," explains Krüger.

A particularly interesting contribution for our guests was therefore offered by Dr. Patrick Hansemann, Head of Quality Management of senetics healthcare group GmbH & Co.KG. In his lecture "Medical Device Regulation" he spoke about important innovations and regulations in medical technology. The lecture was the highlight of the second day of the opening.

Automation & DMG MORI

The topic of automation in particular takes on a high priority in medical technology. Unlike in the automotive industry, for example, workpieces often have to meet individual requirements, which runs counter to the popular and usually more economical mass production. Ralf Riedemann, Executive Officer in the Application Technology division, is familiar with this problem: "Implants, for example, are becoming increasingly individualized. Nevertheless, competitive pressure requires economical processes here as well, so flexible automation solutions in particular, such as the robots in the case of the NTX models, are becoming increasingly important." In addition to implants, the diversity of bone screws is also steadily increasing. But these demands can also be met with DMG MORI's automation solutions: "With the automatic lathes of the SPRINT series - a SPRINT 20|8 is also located in Wernau - users can even manufacture complex bone screws highly economically thanks to bar feeders," says Horst Lindner, who is responsible for the DMG MORI Medical Excellence Center.

DMG MORI - Full-Liner

DMG MORI has already been active in this area since 2016 and has since developed into a full-liner that can support its customers with expert knowledge throughout the entire process. Because: DMG MORI is not only a supplier, but also a consultant for customers who are just entering the industry. In doing so, they are involved in the processes and planning at an early stage. In addition to consulting, DMG MORI distinguishes itself as a full-range supplier for turning, milling, automation, software and new technologies such as additive manufacturing.

The many employment opportunities and the unique combination of digitalization, sustainability and automation in various industries make DMG MORI an attractive employer and excellent training company.