Technology is only for boys? Not with us!
On the occasion of the nationwide Girls' Day on 27.04.2023, a total of 31 young women got an idea of modern apprenticeships in machine tool manufacturing at DMG MORI.
In addition to getting to know the company, the training and our products, there were plenty of opportunities to experience and try out technology for themselves. For example, the schoolgirls were able to try their hand at assembling small components, setting up pneumatic controls and soldering an electronic cube. This time there was a special highlight at the Seebach site. Here, Girls' Day took place for the first time in cooperation with the Eisenach Cooperative State University. The girls were able to get a taste of university life. The day was rounded off with lunch together and in-depth discussions with our trainees.
We therefore say "thumbs up" and THANK YOU to the participants and, of course, to our trainees and hard-working helpers around this successful day!